When Community Mattered Most

We met Sarena after one of our community leaders Eunice brought her to an english class.

Sarena and her husband moved from place to place, whatever they could find, to live with their 3 kids. On top of the challenges in stable housing, their oldest child Thomas, was diagnosed with autism. The family struggled on every front and we felt it was needed to step in and start providing the support they needed.

We began with school enrollment for the kids. The biggest challenge was they didn’t have permanent residence anywhere and Thomas needed a school where he could get evaluations and professional support. After getting them placed in our housing, we were able to get all of the kids enrolled.

For Thomas, our team was able to provide even more support through our community leader Eunice. Since Sarena and her husband now had jobs, Eunice stepped up and brought him to meetings and appointments all over the region.

Today, Sarena and her husband have jobs, a stable housing environment for their family, transportation, education for their children and even increased support services for Thomas’ autism.